© 2023 Beeswift Limited

Posted on: 10/06/21 at 10:31


In the UK, each year, plastic packaging waste on average amounts to 2.2 million metric tons. This is the equivalent of approximately 800 Olympic swimming pools worth of water, which would hold around 2 billion litres. It is because of statistics such as this, that we decide to make a positive environmental impact within our industry.

At BEESWIFT, we proactively monitor and report the amount of packaging we handle and place on the market. Any packaging for which we are the end-user is monitored and wherever possible recycled. We are committed to making sure that any packaging is correctly recycled and as a consequence reduce our consumption.

We are also members of a packaging compliancy scheme; this not only monitors the waste packaging that we produce but also advises us on how we can be more efficient. By reducing our packaging, we can transport our products more efficiently reducing fuel and in turn, our carbon footprint.

It is with great pleasure that we can say that this month we successfully received our Packaging Compliancy Certificate from Ecosurety, our Compliancy scheme. This shows that our packaging date, as a company has been checked and data has been submitted to the Environment Agency. You can now view Beeswift’s certificate and read more regarding the Packaging Compliancy Regulations below.

Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations SI 2007/871 - These regulations aim to make sure that the UK Government meets its recovery and recycling targets for packaging waste. The UK is unique to the rest of Europe as they place the responsibility for this recovery and recycling on the producers of the waste.

The provisions affect companies that have an annual turnover of more than £2 million and handle packaging or packaging materials weighing more than 50 tonnes each year. This Compliancy Certificate is evidence that Beeswift’s business activities have been assessed and that the packaging waste associated with this has been calculated and a submission has been made to the Environment Agency for activities from January 01 to December 31, 2020.

As a company, we continue to work towards our environmental promise and make positive steps to an environmental future.

You can view our Packaging Compliancy 2021 certificate here .

Read more about our ethical and environmental policies here.

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